
Aidan goes Cloth!

Cloth Nappies?

Well I never!

We are giving them a try on a part time basis and if I like then we will switch full time.

These fancy cloth nappies, its a whole new world.

We got 2 different ones to try, he looks pretty smart I must say.

I needed to wash them a few times before we could use them so I was pretty excited when we could put them on....and well wouldn't you know....5 minutes into the first one and hello no2. So we only got to see a swirly little butt for a short time!


Anonymous said...

I would have given cloth nappies a try but Mr Curious just couldn't handle the concept!

The nappies look fun, and LOL at Aidan's pose in the last photo :-D

Kimberley said...

I never really knew about them until now..well these modern ones that is and that was my first thought about J not really wanting to use them...but when he looks so cute...what can you do? Plus they feel so nice!