
New wardrobe

After a year of only having hanging space in our wardrobe we have finally added shelves. Due to the fact that there will be another person in the bedroom next to ours we have had to reorganise and move our (Justin's) stuff out of the nursery.

Having no shelving in a wardrobe is just so stupid!!

Nearly there...


Over it.



Beached whale found at Bushland

August 13th, 2009

VIDEO: A BEACHED whale, found dead this morning at Bushland Beach, is being towed out to sea by government officials.

A large group of sharks were attacking the dead mammal, which was about seven metres long.

State Government officials launched a boat to examine the humpback whale, with the Department of Environment and Resource Management towing the whale offshore so it could decay naturally this afternoon.

Word of the whale spread quickly this morning, with a crowd of onlookers flocking to the beach to catch a glimpse of the rare sight.

Among the binocular-bearing crowd were New South Wales tourists Sheffie and Maureen Mohammed.

Ms Mohammed said the couple heard about the whale on the radio and wanted to see it for themselves.

``Living in a town like Casino, we don't see things like this every day,'' she said.

The mammal was located about 1km offshore, just south of the Bushland Beach pub, and was discovered by locals at low tide.


Townsville Marathon

It was a 4am get up on a chilly morning....J ran and ran and ran....

Aka doesn't deal well when he is out with us and we seperate. He was on alert and watched every runner go past waiting for a glimpse of J. When I went to get a coffee Aka was standing on his hind legs looking over the hedge so he wouldn't miss J...too funny!


We thought we should take some time out before bubs arrives and so we headed to Cairns. We headed off pretty early and arrived for a nice breakfast at the Botanic Gardens Cafe. J went all out and ordered the 'Bowl of Coffee' and then had the hide scoop off the top of my little coffee...grrr!!

We walked around the gardens to get some ideas for our garden. I had to take a photo of these penis like plants hahaha...I am very immature :)

Ginger plents were a plenty.

J chilling out in the spa at the Hilton.

On the balcony of our room.

These just found their way into our bag....will be perfect for my hospital stay :)


Grows tomatoes....

Bakes Cakes....

Runs Marathons...

Marto Rocks!